Next was the desk.
YOUz*r Project: If you're like me, you probably have your desk thrown into your living room or bedroom because you just don't have space. Ours is in the dining room. Since I want this room to be nice and the computer to be less conspicuous, I created my own little system. I got a $10 rolling table and two $4 filing cabints off Craig's List. I bought two pieces of 10" x 10' pine cut down to 10" x 7'. From there I sanded the pine; lightly sanding wood helps it hold paint better. I used spray primer which took FOREVER. I DON'T recommend this for large jobs. I threw on a coat of white paint, let it dry, and set it up with the filing cabinets acting as legs and the rolling desk in the middle underneath. Now, when the computer is not in use all you see is the monitor and the speakers. The rest of the surface area can be used for decorations or as a buffet for serving. When I need to hop online, all I have to do is roll the table out from underneath like you would a keyboard drawer...ingenous, I know, and all for $40! Once I create my mirror wall art and get some funky decorations for the desk top, that area will be complete!
While surfing craigslist I came across a much needed kitchen cart. I've been up in the air as to whether I should get a kitchen cart which is basically a counter top and shelves on wheels, or a breakfast table and stool set. We don't need the stools but I like the look and we don't really need the shelves since I don't like open storage. Al we really needed was the counter space. Compromise: a kitchen cart with two drawers and stools that slide underneath for $40 on, where else, Craig's List. I wasn't really planning on making this purchase right now but I couldn't pass up this deal. It turns out the people selling it were the same people I bought a dresser from so it was a nice transaction. Since our kitchen is black and white with red, orange, and yellow accents, the wood of the kitchen cart didn't go. Instead, I spray painted the cart black and sprayed the stools yellow to give the set a little pop. With the orange vases and red toaster on top it's really a cozy area. Now all we need is a neat clock to go over the table...
Before and After:

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