When MGMT released a free download of "Flash Delirium", one of the tracks off their new album Congratulations, fans of their first album Oracular Spectacular
were less than happy. Ben Goldwasser, one of the two full-time band members, released a statement saying in short, "I'm sorry." But what is he sorry for? This album is good, maybe even great. It hasn't had the mainstream success that Oracular Spectacular had with the singles "Kids" and "Time To Pretend" but that doesn't mean MGMT is suffering from a sophomore slump. They simply broke the mold after their first album and started fresh with all new sounds.
If synch is your thing, feel free to listen to bands that only deal in the synth world, but with Congratulations, MGMT is showing everyone they're capable of a whole lot more than that. I think it's a solid second effort from the duo (turned quintet on the road) and I can't wait to see them in concert!
Sounds Like:
The Flaming Lips
Hot Chip
The Klaxons
LCD Soundsystem
Sounds Like:
The Flaming Lips
Hot Chip
The Klaxons
LCD Soundsystem
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