After I finish with that, I've got a lot of touch up painting to do. The dining room table and chairs need a fresh new coat of paint. I painted them last summer when we first moved in, but I was too lazy to put a protective coat on them. They don't look too bad, but some of the paint has chipped off from normal wear and tear. This time I'll add the extra protector to keep them looking nice!
I also have to repaint the buffet in the dining room. I painted the first part and left it out in the sun to dry. Jerome painted the second part for me while I was at work. We brought it inside to dry instead of leaving it in the sun. Now, you can see a color difference...the sun dried half is a matte black and the part that dried inside kept its gloss.
Hopefully I get everything done as planned. The dining room is the last major project. I really want it to look nice for Jerome's birthday party which is in a couple of weeks. After that, it'll be time to prepare for moving! Only I would wait until a few months before move out time to redo a room!
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