
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My New Headboard

Yesterday I went to The Needle Shop, a small fabric store here in Chicago.  I'd heard of them awhile ago on Etsy and had been meaning to go to their store, but never quite found the time.  Then a groupon to the Needle Shop came up...can't pass up a discount!  I finally headed over yesterday.  It was AWESOME!  As I said, it's a small store and it's not the place to go if you're just looking for basic supplies or a specific fabric.  But, if you want something unique, quirky, or fun, you'll love the Needle Shop.  Most of their fabrics are about $10/yard which is pretty reasonable.  They also have vinyl and upholstery fabrics.

Two of the fabrics I bought. {images via The Needle Shop}

If you customer service is what you want in a fabric store, you'll love them even more!  I spent an hour trying to pick which fabric to choose to recover my headboard.  The two guys working yesterday (forgot their names.  sorry!) were super friendly and put up with me and my indecisiveness.  They even pointed me to the nearby ribbon store and recommended some good things to do in Chicago come spring.  Now THAT'S customer service!

The headboard fabric I went with. {image via The Needle Shop}

In the end, I chose this super cute pink on pink fabric.  I had to use 2 separate fabric panels to make the headboard.  At first, I was simply going to use ribbon to hide the seam so the Needle Shop recommended me to Soutache, an awesome, super helpful ribbon and button shop.  The woman at Soutache was so nice...we sat at the table sorting through ribbons until we found the perfect colors and width.  Again, customer service is everything!  But after getting home and arranging the different pieces, I decided to add a panel of my old, green headboard fabric to brighten things up a bit.  I flanked the green with the navy and grey ribbons from Soutache.
Our old headboard.  Now you know what I'm talking about when I say our room is horrible and far from done!  Because our room is small and weird shaped, the bed can ONLY go in the room sideways which is why it looks so wide.  Just one of the annoying design challenges of this narrow condo.  If it wasn't for the nice master bathroom, I'd switch rooms!

I won't show you a full picture of the headboard since the actual bed and room leave much to be desired, but now that the rest of the house is almost done, I'll be able to focus my attention on our room!  I'm going to make big, dramatic window treatments to cover the window behind the bed which is why the headboard is so short on the wall.  We'll see how long that project takes me!

What do you think so far?


  1. Your headboard looks awesome!! I really like the contrast in the middle. Can't wait for pics of your progress.

  2. I looks awesome! I've always wanted to make my own headboard.

  3. Thanks guys. For some reason my pictures came out more orange than pink. Oh well...better pics to come when it's more finished.

  4. Love your blog, great for ideas. You have a new follower.

  5. Always happy to have a new follower! Now if only I could remember to blog like I'm supposed to... :)
