
Thursday, December 30, 2010


So some nice gentleman broke into our house yesterday morning. I was upstairs talking to my mom on the phone and checking emails on my laptop when they broke in through our basement. Thankfully I was able to grab my keys and run out of the house to cal the police, but not before they stole our tv (which we're still paying for), the xbox (which is my brother in law's), and of course, my beloved laptop. Needless to say, the blog won't be up until I buy a new laptop. Once everything's running again, expect the first month to be filed with tons of home safety tips for can never take security for granted.

Till then, have a happy new year!



  1. OMG India! That's horrible! So sorry to hear about the break-in. Hope you're doing well...we miss you!

    -Mike R.

  2. I'm SO sorry to hear about that! My worst fear! Good thing is you are okay. Best wishes.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about that! My worst fear! I'm happy you are safe. Best wishes. xo

  4. That's terrible, I'm so sorry! Did you have renter's insurance?

  5. Oh no - I'm so sorry to hear this! I'm so glad you were able to get out of there. What a terrible way to end 2010 :( Wishing you better luck for a happy 2011!

  6. Thhanks guys! Unfortunately we didn't have insurance. Our plan was to sign up for it in january when we switch our car insurance over to illinois. We were just one week too late :( Lesson learned...procrastination doesn't pay.
