
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

More DIY

Continuing on my DIY streak I completed two new projects this weekend.  First, I made a snack bag for the hubby.  Wanting a more eco-friendly (and pretty!) alternative to the Ziploc bags he takes in his lunch, I got crafty and made my own bags with a food-safe vinyl lining.  It was a lot of trial and error but eventually, I finished my project!  Since I really have no clue how I got from A to B, I can't provide instructions but the tutorial on We Wilsons blog is pretty good...I just wish I'd seen it before I made mine!  If you're not feeling up to making your own bags, Etsy has many to choose from.

While making the bag, I realized I really needed a place to store all the sewing materials I've accumulated.  So, I turned an empty laundry detergent box into my new sewing box using some leftover wrapping paper.  It was an easy hack that only took a few minutes and some tape.

Because the wrapping paper was of the cheap variety, the edges started to wear in a matter of minutes and turned white.  So, I tore off the wrapping paper and switched to adhesive contact paper.  If you're in the market to make a box of your own, I recommend using contact paper or thick wrapping paper.

Not only was this a quick, easy project, but it saves a few boxes from the landfill.  Now on to my next project...

*have a DIY idea or pics to share from your latest project?  Email me at india(at)

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