
Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Weekender: Fun with Bondera Part 3

Two colorful things to mention today.  First, I finally found a spot to hang the mosaic I made a few months ago using Bondera.  When I created the piece, I had no clue where I was going to hang it or what room it would go in which is why it's taken me so long to find somewhere to put it.  After thinking about it forever, I ended up hanging the mosaic in the dining room...the first place I tried it months ago.  What do you think?

The second colorful (and exciting!) item I'm sharing today is our first wedding present!  When we had our small wedding this past August, our parents both decided to give us larger wedding parties this year with all our friends and family and told everyone to save their gifts until the parties.  Jerome's parents are hosting the first soiree tonight.  Yesterday we received our first non-monetary gift...a gorgeous serving set from one of the teachers at Jerome's school who can't make it to the party.  It was so exciting to open our first gift!  And look how perfectly it matches the house!!  Awesome.

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