
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Uppercase Finds

While browsing around twitter (@apt528 if you're not already following us!) I found a link to an awesome Canadian store called Uppercase. Located in Calgary, Uppercase carries papergoods, books, and odds & ends that make your design senses tingle.

Take a minute to browse through the Uppercase store and you're sure to fall in love with them like I did. They carry pocket mirrors adorned with kitchy vintage typewriters (my favorite!), flowers, maps, and letters. Totes are screenprinted with bold typography, and notebooks are made with such detail that I shutter at the thought of ruining them with my sub par ramblings.  The best part is that most Uppercase products incorporate vintage materials. Vintage maps, magazines, and prints are used on the mirrors and's the best of both worlds!

If cupid's visited you a little early, you'll love the gallery section where they feature prints to bring out the romantic in you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I've never heard of them - I'll have to check 'em out :)
