
Friday, June 26, 2009

Wall Panel Addiction

I FREAKING LOVE these wall panels from B+N Industries' Reclaimed Wood Iconic Panel line. Words do not even begin to express how much I desperately want to own them. This isn't the first time I've fallen in love with B+N products; last year I wrote about their laminate Iconic wall panel you can see, I have a panel obsession!

{image via B+N Industries}

You have to create an account on the B+N website before they'll even let you look at the prices which means they're way out of my price range so I'm not going to waste my time looking. It would only lead to heart break :(

If you're like me and don't see riches in your future, try a little DIY to create wall panels on your own. All you need are a few slabs of wood, some sanding, wood stain, stencils (optional) and a carving/engraving tool. I highly recommend a Dremel for this type of project. Dremels have many interchangable accessories, including several different engravers.

And while we're talking about DIY, don't forget to check out the Apt528 3rd Ward Contest for your chance to win a 10% discount on classes at 3rd Ward in Brooklyn, NY.


  1. The middle three are my faves. In a perfect world, I'd have them all!

  2. These panels are awesome! They would make a space really something special.

  3. I actually gasped when I saw these wood panels! The second one from the left is amazing. Fitting that they displayed it with an Eames chair because I think they copied the pattern from a fabric that Ray Eames designed.

    P.S. My Dremmel is my favorite tool EVER. If I can ever find any free time, I'll finish some mixed media pieces and get my handmade Etsy shop open. Some of my favorite days last fall were spent out on my back patio with the scroll saw and Dremmel, iPod cranked up, enjoying the weather whilst covered with sawdust.

  4. I'm with you on the Dremmel. It's amazing how many different accessories you can get for it! I haven't done a big project with mine yet but I have a couple in the works...I can't wait!
