
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thrifty Thursday: Yard Sale

I know I usually show you things on craigslist for Thrifty Thursday, but today I'm going to show you some of my own super finds.

Last week, Jerome and I finally managed to hit the thrift store down on Dorchester Ave. I have no clue what the name of it is and it has weird hours. When we saw it was open, we jumped at the chance to go in. It's a small, one-room store tight on space and huge on odd-ball stuff. You literally need to take a whole afternoon to just sift through the piles.

But it's worth it. For $80, we got:

-two chrome patio chairs (shown in my last post)
-a rare Hallicrafter Echophone EC-112 radio
-a vintage Yashica 8-ES video camera
-Haring, Warhol, Disney still in the package
-an original vinyl recording of the Happy Birthday song
-and a random record the guy threw in for free.

Our other great scores came Sunday when we went to a yard sale in Arlington. The description on craigslist mentioned several mid-century items so there was no way I could pass that up! For just $30 we got:

-Set of 6 Danish Arm Chairs

Several ceramic pieces

-A creamer and sugar set

-A Beach Boy transistor radio (shown on the shelf in the first pic)

-A set of vintage melamine dishes that I'm too lazy to take a pic of (for use in the living room of course!)
-A 1965 Olivetti adding machine

I can't wait to see what we get next week.

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